Sponsorships and partnerships provide an opportunity for business and the WA Mining Club to work together to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes.
There are many ways in which partnerships based around sponsorship of events and functions can add value to both the sponsor and the WA Mining Club.
Sponsoring a WA Mining Club event or programme provides access to a wide range of mining and resources sector participants.
Event sponsorship also allows the WA Mining Club to maintain a member-focus and minimise entry costs to events.
Some of the sponsorship opportunities for 2025
Young Professionals networking events
Get into Mining Camps
Website advertising
Livestream event sponsorship
Meet the members networking
Annual table partnerships
Student table sponsorships
President’s Cup Golf Day
Members Only events
The WA Mining Club is happy to consider any opportunities where we can work together to mutual advantage. We have many opportunities available for 2025. Should you wish to discuss how you can partner with the WA Mining Club, please contact us on 0402 845 459 or email events@waminingclub.asn.au
Below is a gallery of sponsor branding at our luncheons
WA Mining Club Young Professionals
The WA Mining Club Young Professionals aspires to drive diversification and innovation within the mining industry, through creation of a forum that supports development and retention of young professionals. We will establish a career-long network of individuals who are building their careers in mining.
Members of the WA Mining Club receive access to a broad range of industry speakers, who discuss technical, operational, legislative and regulatory matters, as well as sharing thoughts on the broader industry.
Our monthly luncheons are regularly attended by in excess of 300 members, all eager to listen, talk and share information about their experiences with their industry peers.
Being a member of the WA Mining Club provides the very best opportunity around to meet other industry professionals and discuss topical issues, challenges and innovations with others across the spectrum of the Western Australian mining industry.