The WA Mining Club STEM program takes the initiative of influencing students before they have to make their subject choices for their final years of secondary school with the aim of increasing the talent pipeline into not only undergraduate mining related careers but also trades that will support our modern mining operations.
The Club has entered into an arrangement with STEM Smart, to deliver an in-school program targeted predominantly at year 9 secondary students. The program encourages them to explore the value of studying STEM subjects through Years 11 and 12 and the many opportunities that are created by doing so. The in-class sessions focus on robotics and software programming with an emphasis on having fun but at the same time gaining valuable knowledge.
The mining sector is one of the most technologically advanced industries in the world, and is the power house of the Australian Economy. Unfortunately, we suffer from a lack of Human Resources, particularly professionals and technicians who are not choosing a career in mining, which is often perceived as dirty and physically demanding. This is far from the truth.
The WA Mining Club has a role to play in supporting it’s members and the greater sector through investing in secondary and tertiary education programs. As an example; our scholarship program has been assisting undergraduates since 2003 by providing funds toward the costs of their education, and providing real world experience whilst assisting in the formation of a healthy industry network from the onset of their professional careers.
We are seeking sponsorship from forward thinking companies to enable us to continue to deliver the program and expand the program to improve our reach. If interested please contact
WA Mining Club Young Professionals
The WA Mining Club Young Professionals aspires to drive diversification and innovation within the mining industry, through creation of a forum that supports development and retention of young professionals. We will establish a career-long network of individuals who are building their careers in mining.
Members of the WA Mining Club receive access to a broad range of industry speakers, who discuss technical, operational, legislative and regulatory matters, as well as sharing thoughts on the broader industry.
Our monthly luncheons are regularly attended by in excess of 300 members, all eager to listen, talk and share information about their experiences with their industry peers.
Being a member of the WA Mining Club provides the very best opportunity around to meet other industry professionals and discuss topical issues, challenges and innovations with others across the spectrum of the Western Australian mining industry.