Education Engagement Overview

Education Engagement Overview



The purpose of the Education Engagement portfolio is to aid in the attraction of people into the resources sector through sponsored programmes that support the promotion of the mining industry, in particular during tertiary and secondary education and then retain these same people as members of the WA Mining Club throughout their careers.


Goals for 2023


  1. Provide 12 fully funded scholarships
  2. Ensure excellent Sponsor engagement and ROI
  3. Maintain contact with scholarship winners (Alumni) and get them involved in the club activities
  4. Expand reach of the scholarship programme through engagement at the university club levels and campuses


  1. Ensure programme is fully funded through increased sponsorship for 2023 and at least 1st half of 2024
  2. Increase number of sponsors
  3. Extend to regional areas, Bunbury, Kalgoorlie and Geraldton

WAMC/Curtin Industry Orientation Camp

  1. Define programme elements and duration
  2. Establish budget cost estimates
  3. Seek support from Mining Company hosts and sponsors
  4. Run 1st programme October 2023

Focus in Mining Overflow Programme

  1. Define programme elements and duration
  2. Establish budget cost estimates


If you have any questions regarding our Education Engagement program, please email portfolio lead Barry Upton at scholarships@waminingclub.asn.au