Applications are now open for the WA Mining Club’s 2017 Scholarship Program. The Scholarships program aims to encourage and foster the development of the next generation of leaders within West Australia’s mining sector.
This year, eight $10,000 scholarships will be awarded in the following categories: Geology, Female Student in a Technical Discpline in the Mining Sector, (2 scholarships), Resource Related Engineering Discipline, Engineering in the Mining Sector, Metallurgy, Environmental Sciences in the Mining Sector and Indigenous. The first seven are open to university students, while the indigenous scholarship is open to high school, TAFE and university students.
“Since its inception in 2003, when it awarded a single scholarship to one student, the program has grown immensely, and last year awarded six recipients scholarships,” says Damian Quail, WA Mining Club Secretary and Scholarship manager.
“In addition, participants have been able to enjoy the benefits of mentoring, career support and an increased visibility within the industry.
“It is extremely satisfying to see these young people share their visible passion for their chosen fields.
The enthusiasm and energy is infectious.”
Recipients will be chosen based upon their academic and work record, personal circumstances, commitment to their chosen career and potential for leadership.
Applications close at 5:00 pm on 30 June 2017. For more information on the program and to view eligibility criteria, please see here.