2024 WA Mining Club Scholarship Application – Indigenous Upskilling Scholarship

2024 WA Mining Club Scholarship Application – Indigenous Upskilling Scholarship

WA Mining Club Scholarship Application – Indigenous Upskilling Scholarship

Co Sponsored by KingKira


KingKira Group Pty Ltd (KingKira) is a 100% Female Aboriginal owned business providing a range of safe innovative services and solutions across the mining and resources sectors in Western Australia.
KingKira is wholly owned and operated by Tammy O’Connor, a traditional owner from the Pilbara region with a strong antecedent connection to her country through her Nyiyaparli and Palyku Aboriginal heritage, and links to Kariyarra and Ngarluma via her grandmother’s side.

Established in early 2014, KingKira has experienced organic growth through a simple strategic vision; “to provide development opportunities for Aboriginal people, and in parallel manage all aspects of the land in which the business operates to maintain a sustainable future”.




The purpose of the Indigenous Upskilling Scholarship is to support further development of Indigenous professionals already working within the mining industry in the pursuit of additional qualifications that might otherwise be out of reach.


Eligibility Requirements

  • Applicants must be of Indigenous heritage (Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander)
  • Must be currently work within the mining industry, either with a miner or contractor
  • Must be willing to start study within 2024
  • Can already be engaged in study, however, must have more than 12 months of study remaining


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