This year we hosted ten very successful luncheons, as well as the Gala Ball, President’s Cup Golf Day and the Scholarship luncheon. Our new initiative this year, the Education Series has also proven highly successful, and allowed us to explore industry issues in a little more depth.
A special thank you must go to our partners Curtin University and Bupa who have taken up our inaugural Foundation Partnerships. We would also like to thank, Interquip, who was our Diamond Partner for the Gala Ball, and MDR Certification Engineers who was the Major Sponsor for our annual St Barbara’s Day luncheon. We would also like to thank all of our luncheon sponsors who support us throughout the year and who make our events possible.
We congratulate our newest Life Member, Alan Dickson and welcome him to this illustrious group.
While it has been a challenging year for many of us, we hear that the market is turning and we look forward seeing that sentiment come to fruition with a stronger outlook in 2017. Our first event in February will feature Ian Parker, from Hartleys and Liam Twigger from PCF who will be able to provide us with their views on how the year will shape up.
So from the WA Mining Club, we wish you a safe, happy and relaxing festive season and we look forward to welcoming you back to our events in 2017.
Warm wishes
Kirsty Danby