Wayne Bramwell, MD and CEO of Westgold

Wayne Bramwell, MD and CEO of Westgold

More than 550 people sat down to lunch for the WA Mining Club’s May luncheon at Optus Stadium, eager to enjoy a fascinating conversation with Wayne Bramwell, MD and CEO of Westgold.

Wayne did not disappoint as MC Tim McMillan immediately addressed the elephant in the room after news broke only 24 hours earlier that Ramelius had called in the umpire to adjudicate on some aspects of Westgold’s takeover bid for Karora.

Bramwell’s predictable dead bat deflection was made way more interesting by virtue of having Ramelius COO Duncan Coutts and Karora MD Leigh Junk in the room. With that out of the way, we were taken on a rollicking ride through Bramwell’s  career, with his fascination for tin commencing at Metals X under Peter Cook at the Collingwood Tin Mine in Queensland (as an avid pies supporter, Cassandra Brennan has thus discovered her new favourite mining operation), through to his time in Morocco, and his fascinating time working at the Creasy Group,  involving a career highlight of acting as a sales broker between the Creasy Group and a UFC fighter for a very expensive Pokemon card.

We also heard about how, as a student at Willeton Primary School, a very young Bramwell was introduced to the wondrous world of resources on a field trip to the Great Fingall mine near Leonora, an operation ironically now under his control.

In a first at a WA Mining Club event, we were treated to an exclusive premiere of the latest in the Wayne and Jarvas (Jarvas Croome – Westrac head honcho) social media series on ‘big yellow things’. It’s refreshing to see a very grounded CEO with a sense of fun and humour. It’s not surprising then that the word on the street out of Westgold is that culture and morale are heading in a positive direction.

Despite enduring the club AGM voting process, the massive crowd seemed to really enjoy the event, and we look forward to seeing you all again soon.

You won’t have to wait long, with the DeGrey team talking about Hemi Project at the Hyatt on Thursday June 13 (tickets selling fast – don’t wait too long to secure a seat and please don’t go to Optus for this one or you’ll be awfully lonely).

Following hot on the heels of this luncheon, come along on Thursday 27th June back at Optus Stadium to hear from IGO’s recently minted MD and CEO Ivan Vella.

Both promise to be ‘must-attend events’ aligned with the WA Mining Club’s philosophy of having every attendee learning something from each event and providing unparalleled networking opportunities