Scholarship applications are open, and as in recent years were expected to attract a strong field of potential future leaders for the industry.
WA Mining Club President Kirsty Danby said the scholarships were important, especially against a backdrop of an expanding industry facing a drop in enrolments in mining-related tertiary studies.
“We heard at Miners on the Move this month that the industry is facing a potential crisis because of declining enrolments in mining disciplines at our leading universities,” Ms Danby said.
“The scholarships are part of a broader effort we need from industry, government and the education sector to ensure we have the skills we need to drive our industry forward.”
Two of our scholarship winners from last year, Victoria Arrowsmith and Breanna Cameron, said the scholarships had helped them maintain a focus on study and had eased their path into careers with Nova Resources and Independence Group respectively.
Now in her first year out of university and working for Novo Resources, Victoria said she was enjoying the variety of work in her first year out.
“I’ve had the most amazing opportunities to develop and grow, as well as work with some great people,” she said.
On the WA Mining Club Scholarship, Ms Arrowsmith said had made a major difference in allowing her to complete her final year of studies, which was completed at Curtin’s WA School of Mines in Kalgoorlie.
Breanna Cameron is another 2017 scholarship winner. Since her win, Ms Cameron has received mentoring and has undertaken vacation work for both BGC and Independence Group.
“I’ve found the WA Mining Club and the people in it, incredibly supportive. They want me to succeed and they’ve rewarded me by investing their time and resources into my career,” Ms Cameron said.
The WA Mining Club scholarships for 2019 are now open. For more information or to apply please visit WAMC Scholarships