Life Membership nominations now open

Life Membership nominations now open

WA Mining Club Life Memberships are awarded to members who have made a significant and outstanding contribution to the WA Mining Club through their commitment to its goals, and attendance and support of its events and to the broader mining community.

The WA Mining Club Committee considers and determines candidates for life membership on an annual basis, decisions are based against a set of criteria which includes:

  • consideration of their length of WA Mining Club membership,
  • past committee involvement,
  • contribution to the mining industry and
  • participation in educational initiatives.

Should you wish to nominate another member for Life Membership, please email admin@waminingclub.asn.au and we will forward an application form.

Closing date for 2018 nominations is 31 August 2018.

If a recipient is chosen, the Life Member will be announced and celebrated at St Barbara’s Day, Friday 7 December 2018.