Our annual Miners on the Move at the upcoming June luncheon which featured a panel discussion facilitated by our President, Kirsty Danby with:
These industry leaders shared their experiences and insights on how to bring a mining project into development and operation stages. They provided insights and learnings and share with us their strategies to achieve key milestones.
With a decade at the helm of ASX listed companies at Managing Director level, George has over 25 years’ experience successfully delivering leading major resources projects from exploration to production across the globe, with a particular focus on the rare earth minerals market.
Lynda has over 30 years experience in the mining industry spanning from mining at Telfer and Boddington in the 1980s to greenfields mineral exploration. Prior to joining Sipa, Lynda was Director of Exploration Australia for Newmont Asia Pacific where she was responsible for the strategic planning, exploration management and business development. In the 2000s she was part of the team that discovered the Mc Phillamys Gold deposit in NSW.
She was also on board of Summit Resources prior to its take over by Paladin in the 2000s and is currently on the advisory board of the Centre for exploration targeting at UWA.
David Flanagan is a geologist with more than 25 years’ experience in the multi commodity mining and mineral exploration industry in Australia, Indonesia and Africa.
David has a BSc Mining & Minerals Exploration Geology, undertaken at Curtin University, School of Mines in Western Australia. He is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and Member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
Rob Waugh has more than 25 years’ experience in the resources sector with the majority in gold and base metals. Mr Waugh has held senior exploration management roles at major mining houses WMC Resources Limited and BHP Billiton Limited, prior to Musgrave Minerals.
He has extensive exploration and mining experience in a range of commodities including nickel, copper, gold, uranium and Platinum Group Metals. Mr Waugh holds a BSc in Geology and an MSc in Mineral Economics and joined Musgrave Minerals prior to listing in April 2011 as Managing Director.