Neil Watson

Neil Watson

A bit about Neil:

While I have never been directly employed in the resources industry my connection with it goes back to 1987 when I commenced working on the insurance programme for WMC. Since then I have been involved with a number of international and local mining companies, contractors and consultants in the design and management of their insurance programmes together with risk advice.

My involvement with the WA Mining Club commenced in 2006 after moving to a start-up insurance broking house and needing to rebuild my connections with the industry. I was invited to a lunch and posed the innocent question to an, at the time, committee member asking how I could be involved more than just being a member. As a result I joined the committee in 2006, followed by election as President in 2010, a position I held for 6 years.

In that time I am proud to say that the Club membership grew significantly, even through the GFC, and we were able to progressively introduce new events and programmes. The proudest contribution was the growth in the Scholarship programme from two scholarships to eight with a surrounding support process to integrate winners and finalists into the resources sector.

Being a Life Member is an honour that is not held lightly. I am able to enjoy the benefits of WA Mining Club membership but also to contribute my experience and history with the Club, helping it to remember it’s past as it embraces the next generation of mining professionals. Part of this is hearing from the wide range of speakers who present each month. Being a non-technical person I find the speakers who bring part of their story into the presentation being the most interesting. St Barbara’s Day speakers are always memorable- Ron Sayers and Ron Manners are two who spring to mind.

I am sure that the Club will continue long past my time and I am looking forward to seeing the Club continue to grow in its recognition of current members’ contribution to the industry while also encouraging new entrants through STEM introductions, the Get into Mining Camps and the Scholarship programme.