Message from the President

Message from the President

Dear Members, Partners and friends of the Club,

How the world has changed in such a short period of time! Just over one month ago we held a very successful President’s Cup Golf Day at the magnificent Joondalup Resort – but it seems such a distant memory now.

In this month’s newsletter I would like to let you know what your Committee has been doing over the last month, as well as our plans for the short to medium term.

Iluka Resources- Presentation and Q&A with Tom O’Leary

As the threat from Covid-19 picked up pace, we decided to postpone our March luncheon – for now. We are looking forward to hearing from Tom O’Leary, Iluka’s Managing Director and CEO, when we can get underway again with our face to face monthly lunches later this year. Watch this space. Refunds have been issued to all who booked a seat and requested a refund.

Due to school holidays and the Easter break, we did not hold any Club events in April. This is the same approach we have taken for many years.

Miners on the Move – 28 May 2020 at 12pm (WST) – Book Now!

Since the onset of Covid-19 we have been working hard on planning to hold online meetings for our members. We haven’t rushed into this, as organising and hosting livestreaming events is not inexpensive. As a not-for-profit, we are keen to conserve our Club’s limited funds. Covid-19 has also stretched our Club’s resources – in particular, the lock down in the UK has prevented our General Manager Nichola Nugent from returning to Australia for several weeks – but she is working remotely the same as most of us these days!

Notwithstanding these challenges, I am pleased to announce that our annual Miners on the Move event will be held on Thursday 28 May 2020 at 12pm (WST) via an interactive livestreaming panel session. We have engaged one of Australia’s leading livestreaming companies to host this meeting for our Club. Members can attend at no charge, and non-members can join in for a nominal $25.

We will hear from four highly respected mining company executives: Patrick Mutz (Managing Director and CEO, Image Resources), Matt Shackleton (Managing Director and CEO, Australian Potash), Richard Hyde (CEO and Executive Chairman, West African Resources) and David Southam (Managing Director, Mincor Resources).

The panel discussion and Q&A will be moderated by Sam Retallack, Head of People and Culture at Independence Group.  We really hope you will join us for this event – expect the same content, format and lively interaction as our usual face to face meetings. The panellists will also share their insights and tips on how they are managing through these challenging times. Questions can be submitted before the event or in real time. Bookings can be made at https://www.waminingclub.asn.au/event/may-2020/

This new livestreaming format will give sponsors the opportunity to brand themselves in a unique way. If you are interested in finding out more about how your business can showcase its products and services at a very competitive rate, please email events@waminingclub.asn.au or call 0402 845 459

Online Networking Sessions

Your Club will also be rolling out a series of online networking and information sharing sessions over the next few months. These will be less formal than our Miners on the Move event. Attendance will be free for members.

If there is a topic you would like addressed in these sessions, please let us know. Similarly, if a member wants to share particular information via these forums to Club members, please do get in touch.

Young Professionals Events

The Young Professionals are also planning a series of online Zoom events for YP’s and guests. More details will be provided soon.

Membership Renewals and new members

Membership renewals have been sent out, and we encourage members to renew promptly through this challenging time. Your Club needs your support to continue to deliver benefits to you, our members.

We are pleased to see a steady stream of new member applications, and we have temporarily removed the nomination fee for new members. Please encourage a friend or colleague to join!

Scholarship Program and University Prizes

We’re not going to let a very pesky virus get in the way of our Scholarship Program! We are running it as usual in 2020. We are working closely with our sponsors, and will deliver a high quality program in 2020.

We are always looking for new sponsors, so please do get in touch if you can assist. Apart from supporting the next generation of miners, a key benefit for our sponsors is that they obtain early access to the brightest graduates each year.

Scholarship applications will be able to be lodged online in a few weeks’ time.

Our Club will also continue to support a Murdoch University student prize in 2020, as we have done for many years.


We are working hard to deliver value to our Club partners. We will be extending all partnerships at no cost to our partners, and are very grateful for their ongoing support. Please support our partners if you can.

Annual General Meeting

In line with many Companies and Clubs, we are looking into how we can either hold our AGM via a virtual meeting, or postpone it. We have some time up our sleeve, and will report back to members in due course.

End of Covid-19

Like many other Clubs, we will hold an end of lock down event- when we can! We certainly look forward to celebrating that with you.

Until then, best regards from your Committee. See you at our Miners on the Move livestreaming event!

Damian Quail
