By Jordan Pedley
The WA Mining Club would like to congratulate this month’s Member of the month:
Drew Harvey, Business Development SMS Mining
Caribbean Decline and Plutonic Gold Mine are just some of the exotic places the last 12 years in the mining industry has taken Drew. Wearing the SMS Mining badge proudly Drew spoke very highly of Danny Sweeney, the MD and Founder, commenting.
”Danny came to WA with nothing to his name and in the last 25 years has built SMS into one of the largest privately owned mining and maintained fleets in Australia”.
When asked about the WA Mining Club Drew stated.
”It is a great place to meet new people from all walks of life and all different backgrounds in the mining community. I love seeing all the familiar faces that have helped me transition from underground mining into the cooperate world. You never know who you may meet or form a strong relationship with”.
Drew’s career in mining started as an Unground Diamond Driller Off-sider with Swick Mining Services at an oasis in the Territory, The Granites-Tanami Desert. After 3 memorable years of diamond drilling, Drew then spent 6 years underground mining. He started as a nipper and was charging production and development in no time.
”Underground mining is simply mind-blowing once you get out of it”.
”I was rubbish on the Bogger so king of the charge hose I became. I also had the great experience of being on multiple ERT teams but was never lucky enough to compete in the state comps for sites I have worked on”.
After hanging up his underground mining boots, Drew’s networking and strong relationships landed him an Account Manager role with UON.
”Life above ground is great, I have learnt a huge amount about the operational and business side of mining as well as a lot about myself. There is a group of people that have taken me under their wing in various stages of my career and to them, I am forever thankful”.
As a true cricket enthusiast, Shane Warne ‘GOAT’ was first on his dinner party invite list. The funniest person he has come across, Sacha Baron Cohen and the most inspirational, his Late Pop Robert Frazer Phillips, also joining the table.
Drew left us with a quote his most memorable boss, Mick Lydon once said to him.
“Treat people as you would like to be treated, respect is more important than reputation”.